
Welcome to the Mobile Democracy Centers. At the Democracy Center we will help you with all your voting needs. We offer the following services:
- Check Your Voter Registration
- Register to Vote
- Restore your Voting Rights
- Arrange a free ride to the polls
- Pick up a Photo ID Requirements Card
Join the Mobile Democracy Center Mailing List

Voting in Mobile

Check Voter Registration

Check Your Registration

Make sure you are vote ready. Check your voter registration status at least four (4) times a year; make sure that it reads "Active". When your voter registration status is Active, that means that you are "vote ready" for any Virginia election.

Check Registration
Register to Vote

Register to Vote

To submit an application to register to vote, you must meet the following requirements:
-Be a citizen of the US
-Live in Alabama
-Turn 18 years old on or before election day
-Must not be barred from voting by reason of disqualifying felony conviction
-Must not be judged "mentally incompetent" in a court of law

Register to Vote
Get your rights restored

Restoration of Rights

Alabama law allows convicted persons to apply for a certificate of eligibility to register to vote, subject to the procedures and requirements specified by law. These procedures require the Alabama Board of Pardons and Parole to grant CERV application if the applicant satisfies the statutory requirements.

Restoration of Rights
2024 Next Generation Powering Democracy & Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee
Alabama Statewide Organization Omega Day at the Capital 2023
2023 NAACP Shelby County Summit
Why Should Young People Vote Mandela Barnes
Ashley N. Bell, "Why Vote"
Sheila Dowdy "Why Vote"
Jalen Martin "Why Vote"
Why Vote? Joshua Jenkins
Why Vote? Gabriel Barker
Why Vote Fmr. Sen. Doug Jones

Alabama Democracy Centers,
A Testimony Series:
Why Should Young People Vote

Mobile Democracy Center

Dr. MLK, Jr. Day of Action

The featured video below highlights the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Action event held on Jan. 16th, 2023. Ms. Jessica Barker organized the event, President of Alabama Assoc. for the Arts & Lift Our Vote, hosted by the Omega Men of North Alabama and the Alabama Democracy Center in Huntsville.